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Powers and Abilities:


- Speed 5 (6 when sprinting)

- Strength 8 

- Acrobatics 5

- Water Breathing

- Frost Attack (Suit Ability 1 Key; gives opponent slowness)

- Freezing (Hold 'F' Key)

- Glacious's Sword (Weapons Equip Key)

- Blizzard (Hold Suit Ability 4 Key for 15 sec)

- Summon Frozo

- No Fall Damage


Defense: High



- Slowness

- Poison

- Hunger



- Fire 


Tier: 3


In Cold Biomes:

- Strength increases to 9

- Regeneration 3



Health: 3000

Attack Damage: 10

Defense: 12

Knockback Resistance: 1.5

Flight (Aim mouse in direction of flight)

Ice Breath Attack: Freezes Enemies

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