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Powers and Abilities:


- Speed 8 (When sprinting)

- Strength 6

- Acrobatics 2

- Fire Resistance

- Water Breathing

- Regeneration 3

- Magic

- Laser Vision (Suit Ability 1 Key)

- Berserker Beam (Press Suit Ability 1 Key while punching the same time; must time correctly)

- Cloaking (Suit Ability 3 Key)

- Spawn Ormr (Weapons Equip Key)

- Ender Chest (Suit Ability 5 Key)

- Anti-Cloak (Hold Suit Ability 9 Key)

- Psychic Shield (Immune to psychic attacks)

- Primal Berserker (Suit Ability 8 Key; 25% of self-destruction and 1 minute of invincibility --except to magic-- and increased stats)

- No Fall Damage


Defense: Extremely High


With Ormr:

- Teleportation (Suit Ability 2 Key; /berserker-tp <x y z>)

- Dimension Traveling (Suit Ability 4 = Nether; Shift + Suit Ability 4 = End, Suit Ability 4 + Punching = Mars)

- Time Manipulation (/berserker-time <command>; works like /time command)

- Flight 



- Poison



- Magic


Tier: 4

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